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Writer's pictureShashi Kallae

An Affection Alchemist's touch

When she was alive, the whole family was glued together. She was the bridge between the personalities, generations, the past and the future. Her presence infused everyone with an indescribable magic that touched the hearts of every member of our family.

Through her captivating tales, she nurtured a deep appreciation for the beauty of different cultures, fostering a sense of curiosity and empathy within each family member. But, it wasn't just her storytelling prowess that made her amazing. She had a remarkable gift for bringing people together.

Her culinary expertise was legendary. The aroma of her secret spice blends would waft the house, beckoning everyone to the kitchen. With every bite, each member of the family could taste the love that she poured into her creations. Her food tastes so divine, it's like she borrowed the secret recipes of gastronomical gods from heaven. Her culinary concoctions, infused with the essence of smoldering wood and charcoal would teleport each family member to foodie nirvana. One bite, and they would be floating on cloud-nine, dreaming of a land where taste buds dance in ecstasy!

She was the pillar of strength to the family, offering solace and advice to anyone in need. Even after her physical presence has faded, her spirit continued to permeate our lives. Her legacy served as a constant reminder of the importance of family, love and connection. The lessons she imparted and the memories she created kept the flame of her influence alive ensuring that her spirit would forever be an integral part of our lives. She was not just a person, she was a force that bound us together. Her impact was profound transforming the ordinary moments into something extraordinary and leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and souls of her family. When she departed from this world, her absence had a devastating impact. Condolences poured in from near and far, with hundreds of people, both local residents, and, those who traveled from distant corners of the country. The sheer number of people who gathered to honor her memory left the family members pleasantly surprised and deeply touched. In the family, Granny radiated affection, Love and boundless positivity bringing everyone together like an affection alchemist.

On the other hand, Grandpa's demeanor was quite different, as he carried ego and harbored feelings of hatred that often resulted in catastrophic and distressing outcomes whenever he attempted the family matters. Despite having been married over for 80 years with their contrasting personalities, Granny and Grandpa stuck together. Grandpa couldn't cope with the fact that Granny was no longer with him, which made him physically ill and mentally unstable temporarily. When it was Grandpa's turn to take charge, he couldn't fill the void that Granny had left behind. Instead, Grandpa became wicked and began spreading negativity within the family, resulting in disastrous consequences.

Miscommunication entered each family member's home uninvited. Grandpa fell ill with Cancer and eventually passed away. During his funeral, it became evident that there were only a few individuals interested in paying their respects to Grandpa's remains. Papa, adopted a similar attitude from Grandpa, but to an even greater extent than his father.


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“With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.”


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