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Writer's pictureShashi Kallae

Global Warming

In 2007, forest fires ravaged Southern California, putting thousands of people at risk of losing their homes. Many were forced to evacuate, while others saw their homes reduced to ashes, leaving them homeless. The fires continued to spread, reaching Irvine, California where I lived at the time. As soon as we heard the sirens, we rushed out of our homes to safety.

Wild Fires destroying the Forests.
Wild Fires destroying the Forests.

"Holy Smokes, Who set the world on fire" was my first thought when I saw the air filled with dark and white ashes. We were told not to breathe in the air without wearing masks as it was filled with toxic chemicals. The brave firefighters were constantly in the line of fire, risking their lives to combat the relentless spread of the forest Inferno.

Brave Fire Fighters.
Brave Fire Fighters.

The fires were put off and the air cleared, but the questions always tickled my mind. How did the forest catch the fire? What are the consequences of these forest fires? How did the air get cleared? So I did my research and jotted down my thoughts from the research done by scholars and environmental specialists from NASA, NOAA, and various International Institutions, who dedicated and are still dedicating their lives, time, and effort to make this planet a better place to live. That's when I started paying closer attention to the term "Global Warming", even though I heard about it several times earlier.

They say, "The Planet is getting hot under the collar, and we need to act as soon as we can to prevent the disasters caused by it and protect our environment".

Person Wears a Gas Mask When the Air is Filled with Toxic Chemicals.
Person Wears a Gas Mask When the Air is Filled with Toxic Chemicals.


The severe implications of Global Warming are a threat to our planet and to our future generations. If we don't address global warming now and take necessary precautions, our children, grandchildren, and generations after, will inherit the storm we neglected to calm.

The negative impacts of climate change due to global warming are already being felt. Human-induced greenhouse gas emissions have been the primary driver of this phenomenon. According to various entities and research centers such as NASA, NOAA, and international institutions, global warming will continue to worsen as long as we continue to emit carbon dioxide and other harmful toxic greenhouse gases into the environment.

Toxic Gases emitted by the Industries.
Toxic Gases emitted by the Industries.

What exactly is Global Warming?

Before delving into the definition of Global Warming, let's take a moment to learn about our planet and the Laws of Thermodynamics.

According to the Laws of thermodynamics, Earth is an open system. This means that Earth receives energy from the sun in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Also, Earth emits electromagnetic radiation and small amounts of atmospheric gases.
Earth's atmosphere and Ozone layer regulate the flow of energy. The balance of energy on the Earth exists on account of the First Law of Thermodynamics. This means that energy can't be created nor destroyed, but transferred from one body to another.
The balance between the incoming energy from the sun and cosmic rays and the outgoing energy from Earth ultimately drives our climate.

Now, let's look at the definition of Global Warming.

Global Warming refers to the increase in the Earth's surface temperature, primarily caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) in the atmosphere, and secondly due to deforestation. These gases trap heat from the sun and prevent it from escaping into space, which leads to a gradual rise in temperature over a period of time.

Causes for Global Warming

  1. Greenhouse Gases.

  2. Deforestation.

  3. Burning Fossil Fuels.

  4. Human Carelessness.

Effects of Global Warming

  1. Summer 2023.

  2. Forest fires.

  3. Melting glaciers and ice caps.

  4. Raising sea levels.

  5. More frequent and severe heat waves and droughts.

  6. Extreme weather events.

  7. Ocean Acidification.

  8. El Niño and La Niña.

El Niño

  1. El Niño events cause global temperatures to increase.

  2. El Niño can cause drought. Depending upon its strength, it can trigger extreme climate events such as droughts, floods, and hurricanes.

  3. El Niño typically brings more snow to the Pacific Northwest and Northern Rockies.

  4. Greenhouse emissions are likely making El Niño events more severe.

La Niña

  1. La Niña events cause global temperatures to decrease.

  2. La Niña is an event that occurs when the surface of the Pacific Ocean near the equator is cooler than normal.

  3. La Niña typically brings more snow to the Southern Rockies and parts of the Midwest.

  4. Greenhouse emissions are likely making La Niña events more severe.

La Niña event causing global temperatures to decrease and increased snow.
La Niña event causing global temperatures to decrease and increased snow.

Difference between Global Warming and Climate Change

Struggling People in Severe Climate.
Struggling People in Severe Climate.

Global Warming refers to the gradual increase of the earth's surface temperature caused by greenhouse gases, while Climate Change refers to the long-term change in global weather patterns. Climate change is a broader term than Global Warming.

Ways to stop Global Warming

  1. Turn off your electronic devices: Just turning off your computer, tablets, televisions, stereo, monitors, and any unused smart devices can decrease the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

  2. Change bulb: Replacing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb will save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide emission per year.

  3. Recycle more: Just by recycling half of your house waste, you can save up to 2400 pounds of carbon dioxide entering into the atmosphere.

  4. Use less hot water: More than 500 pounds of carbon dioxide per year is saved, as heating water takes a lot of energy. Instead, you can use less hot water and wash clothes with cold water.

  5. Plant Trees: A single tree can absorb one ton of carbon in its lifetime.

  6. Use Public Transportation rather than your own vehicle.


Scientists say that global warming combined with extreme weather conditions contributed to this year's (2023) summer epic ocean storms, wildfires, searing heatwaves, extreme floods, and droughts. June, July, and August of 2023 were 0.23 degrees centigrade (0.41 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than any other summer on NASA's record. This year's Meteorological Summer in the Northern Hemisphere was the hottest on record, as it was 1.2 degrees centigrade (2.1 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than any average summer between 1951 and 1980. Global Warming triggered uneven weather conditions like extreme flooding in Europe, Wildfires in Canada and Hawaii, and severe heat waves in Japan and South America.

In hindsight, Global Warming presents a critical threat to our planet. If ignored, there will be a devastating effect on the planet and its inhabitants, billions of tons of Ice melting every year leads to the rise of sea levels. Extreme weather events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and flooding are rising strong and coming back more times than needed. Food production is decreasing due to the increase in Natural Disasters. Billions of people lack access to safe drinking water at home.

It is important to note that global warming is not a one-time event, but is transitioning into a continuous process that is getting worse every year. If we don't act on it now, the sea levels around the world will rise, putting many coastal cities and island nations such as New York in danger. Besides, there will be a potential negative impact on other areas that will become uninhabitable due to rising temperatures, lack of access to drinking water, and the inability to grow food. This could lead to an increase in the number of refugees, which will require a global solution. It is necessary to take immediate action to prevent these consequences from becoming a reality.

International organizations and governments must collaborate on policies to combat human-induced disasters and promote clean technologies.

Severe Drought killing the Trees.
Severe Drought killing the Trees.



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