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Writer's pictureShashi Kallae

Sam's Journey to Health: Overcoming Pre-diabetes and Making Life-Changing Habits

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

"My throat hurts, and I feel like coughing, but I can't! What's going on with me?" Sam thought to himself. Lately, he has been experiencing sleep difficulties, and his wife has been complaining about his excessive snoring. Concerned, she urged him to visit their family doctor.

However, Sam kept postponing the call to the physician's office. Recognizing that Sam needed a push, Carla took matters into her own hands and made the appointment for a physical examination the next day.

The following morning, Sam and Carla arrived at the physician's office. They were greeted by the physician's assistant as they entered.

"Good morning, Sam," the physician greeted warmly.

"Good morning, Doc," Sam replied.

The physician acknowledged Sam's concerns, saying, "I understand that you've been having trouble with sleep and mentioned to the nurse that you've been snoring a lot."

Sam confirmed, "Yes, Doc. It's been going on for about six months now. I feel like I'm not getting enough sleep, and it's leaving me tired throughout the day."

The physician proceeded, "Alright, let me first check your blood pressure and pulse." As Sam followed the instructions, the physician continued, "Take a deep breath, hold it, and release. Again."

"Now, breathe normally. Let me test your pulse," the physician concluded.

After the examination, the physician delivered some reassuring news, saying, "Good news, Sam. Your lungs and blood pressure appear to be normal. However, this is not a comprehensive assessment. I recommend conducting some blood tests to gather more information. You mentioned difficulty before going to bed and frequent trips to the bathroom at night. Can you provide some details on that?"

Sam let out a sigh and replied, "Doc, sometimes I have to go to the bathroom 2-3 times during the night, and occasionally even more. As for sleep, I haven't been able to get sufficient rest."

The physician nodded, understanding Sam's situation. "I see. Now, could you please share your daily schedule with me?"

Sam explained, "I typically wake up around 6 AM and help get our kids ready for school along with my wife. Once the kids are off to school, we start our work and continue until around 5 PM."

The physician inquired further, "And what about your workout routine?"

"With the onset of COVID, things have become quite hectic. I've been working from home and dedicating more time to work than before. It's been about two years since I've had a consistent workout routine," Sam confessed.

The physician concluded, "I understand now. Let's wait for the results of the blood tests to come in, and then we can discuss your situation in more detail."

"Sure, Doc. Sounds like a plan," Sam agreed, hoping for some clarity on his health concerns.

After a week, Sam received a call on his cell phone.

"Hey Sam, this is the Doc. How are you doing?" the physician asked.

"Hey Doc, I'm doing alright. How about you? Anything concerning?" Sam responded, his curiosity piqued.

The physician proceeded to share the results, "Well, Sam, I have your blood test results, and there are a few things we need to address. Nothing Alarming, but you need to face the music. What do you want to hear first, Good or Bad?"

"Doc, I'm ready to Face the music, Go with the bad ones first"

"Okay, it's concerning, but not alarming. Your A1C is 5.7 which means you are in the Pre-diabetic stage, which also means that there is a chance that you will step into the diabetic circle, if you don't act on it immediately. Also, your Good Cholesterol level is below 40 and your bad cholesterol level is high. As I mentioned, it's not alarming, but you need to act immediately"

"I got it doc, Tell me what should I do?"

The physician reassured him, saying, "Don't worry, Sam. We have a plan. Firstly, we need to make some adjustments to your lifestyle. Regular exercise is crucial, so I recommend dedicating at least 30 minutes to an hour every day for physical activity. It could be something as simple as brisk walking, jogging, or cycling along with weight training or any other full body workout for another 30-45 mins".

Sam nodded, determined to make positive changes. "I'll prioritize exercise from now on."

"Next, eat healthy with a balanced diet and quality vitamins".

"Sure doc, will do".

Sam expressed his understanding, "Alright, Doc. I'll follow your recommendations and make the necessary changes."

The physician concluded, "Great, Sam. We'll schedule a follow-up appointment in three months to assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. Remember, your health is a journey, and I'm here to support you every step of the way. I know it's a bit hard, but keep your chin up"

"Thank you, Doc. I appreciate your guidance and support," Sam replied gratefully.

"You're welcome, Sam. If you have any further questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out. Stay committed to your health, and we'll work together to overcome these challenges," the physician reassured him before ending the call.

After concluding the conversation, Sam immediately embarked on a half-hour walk. He felt a sense of fear and had been excessively pondering over the situation. He decided that he didn't want to die miserably with all the diseases.

Sam had always comprehended the significance of prayer, and thus beseeched God for the fortitude, determination, consistency, and perseverance to establish life-altering habits and maintain them until the end of his days. Additionally, he resolved to document his journey through vlogging to inspire himself in making healthy choices each day.

It is often said that when you take steps towards embracing healthier choices, they reciprocate in kind. The key lies in persisting without surrender, and one day, upon reflection, you will realize the remarkable progress you have made. Sam wholeheartedly grasped this concept.

From that day on, Sam made some major changes to his diet and started working out. This time, he incorporated certain interesting things into his daily schedule. He decided to listen to his body, understand the signs, and act accordingly.

Sam has been consistent with his workout and diet. He did some research on YouTube and read some interesting books and articles. During his exploration, he discovered that spending 15 minutes walking after meals can aid in reducing his blood insulin levels. Despite the existence of several conspiracy theories surrounding this concept, he decided to give it a try, and it appeared that his body responded positively. Consequently, he continued incorporating walks after both lunch and dinner.

After three months had passed,

"It's time to get my blood work done," Sam thought to himself. He visited the doctor's office and underwent the necessary tests.

"Sam, it's the doctor," Carla handed him the phone. "Hello, doc. How are you doing?"

"I'm good, Sam. Guess what? Your blood results came in today, and I'm glad to let you know that your blood sugar levels are below 5, and your cholesterol levels have shown significant improvements. Whatever you did, keep it up!"

"Thanks doc, glad to know that!" Sam replied gratefully.

"This is not the end of the world, Sam. You should continue what you've been doing for the rest of your life if you want to stay healthy."

Sam expressed his understanding, "Sure doc!"

"Don't forget to book your next yearly physical exam appointment in 10-12 months. Have a good day!"

"Thanks, doc, will do. Have a good day to you!"


Sam realized how important it is for him to be healthy Mentally, Physically and Spiritually. He changed his life style, by including half portion of Nuts, veggies, fruits and greens and the rest with carbs and protein.

He also learned about different fasting durations, such as fasting for 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, 3 days, and 5 days. Inspired by celebrity doctors, he incorporated fasting into his lifestyle. He started with a 12-hour fast and gradually increased it to 16 hours, then 24 hours, and eventually extended it to 36 hours. Once he felt confident, he even attempted 3-day and 5-day fasts every two months.

For Sam, every Monday and Tuesday (or every Monday and Thursday) became maintenance days. On those days, he practiced OMAD (One Meal a Day), which involved fasting for 24 hours.

He understood the importance of prioritizing his health and well-being. As he saw positive results and improvements in his overall health, Sam became even more motivated to maintain his new habits.

Not only did Sam focus on his own health, but he also took the opportunity to share his newfound insights with those around him. He believed in the power of spreading awareness and helping others make positive changes in their lives. Sam shared his experiences, knowledge, and the importance of regular exercise, a balanced diet, and regular medical check-ups with his family, friends, and colleagues.

Through his conversations, Sam encouraged others to prioritize their health, seek medical advice when needed, and make proactive choices for a healthier lifestyle. He emphasized the significance of small, consistent steps that could lead to significant improvements in long-term well-being.

Sam's dedication to his health and his willingness to share his insights became an inspiration for those around him. He became a trusted source of information and support, helping others navigate their own health journeys.

Throughout his life, Sam continued to be an advocate for proactive health management, not only for himself but for the people he cared about. By sharing his personal experiences and knowledge, he played a vital role in positively impacting the lives of those who crossed his path.

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“With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.”
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