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Writer's pictureShashi Kallae

Echoes Of Transformation

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

A New Beginning

The northwestern part of the city is experiencing a breezy and windy day. The wind is howling like a banshee, whipping through the streets of the city. The trees are swaying and creaking, and debris is flying through the air. This City is known for its robust winds, a result of the substantial lakes and rivers in proximity. City residents started the day with wind speeds of 5 to 10 mph in some areas. By the afternoon, the wind speeds had increased to 20 mph, with gusts up to 35 mph. The National Weather Service has issued a wind advisory, warning residents, to stay indoors. However, many people are not heeding the warning and are out in the storm, trying to make their way home or to work.

The dark clouds hang low over the city, like a heavy blanket of moisture. The air is thick and humid, and the stench of decomposing food and waste wafts through the streets. The weather is threatening to rain at any moment.

"We have to get off!" Father shouted as the bus pulled into the station. Sammy woke up, confused and disoriented. He had been dreaming of the city, and it seemed so different from this. In his dream, the city was clean and orderly, with wide streets and tall buildings. There were no smells, no noise, and no people. It was a perfect place, a place where anything was possible. He had heard so many stories of the city, making it sound like a heaven where dreams were waiting to be uncovered.

These stories about the city had melded in his thoughts, losing their distinct imagery and forming a blend of emotions and sensations. Perhaps the stories had been passed down from person to person, each storyteller adding their embellishments until the original stories were unrecognizable.

This city is anything but perfect. The streets are crowded with people, all of them jostling and pushing each other. The vendors are loud and aggressive, trying to sell their wares to anyone who will stop. The vehicles honk constantly, and the dogs bark incessantly. The cows wander freely through the streets, adding to the chaos.

Sammy stepped off the bus, overwhelmed by the noise and activity. The thick air felt suffocating, and he longed to return to his dream of a quiet, peaceful city. But this was his reality, and he knew he had to face it. He took a deep breath and followed his father through the crowded streets, trying to ignore the noise and the smells. He was determined to make the best of this new city, even though it wasn't what he had imagined.

"This weather is brutal," Sammy thought to himself. He was used to the warm, sunny weather in his hometown, and he had never seen winds and rain like this before. The sky was dark and overcast, the wind was blowing fiercely, and the rain was coming down in sheets. He could barely see more than a few feet in front of him."

Sammy's father is walking beside him, but Sammy doesn't feel much better. His father is a kind man, but he is also very strict. Sammy knows that his father would never approve of him being homesick, so he keeps his feelings to himself and tries to act bravely. He is starting to feel very depressed, missing his mother, feeling homesick, and scared of the weather. He doesn't know what to do. He just wants to curl up in a ball and cry.

Looking around, Sammy took a deep breath and tried to pull himself together. He knew that he couldn't give up. He had to keep going, for his father's sake and his own. He had to find a way to get through this, even if it was the most brutal weather he had ever experienced.

"We should get on this bus," Sammy's father muttered to himself. "It's the only one that has stopped here in the past hour."

Sammy looks at the bus. There is no destination mentioned on the board, and no signs anywhere to indicate where it goes.

"Hey," Father yells at the bus driver. "Where does this bus go? There's no destination mentioned on the board here and no sign where it goes?"

The bus driver rolls his eyes. "Final stop is Adhiyam University," he yells back.

Sammy's father let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, we've found the bus to our intended destination," he called to Sammy. "Get in, otherwise we'll be soaked in this torrential rain."

Sammy and his father got on the bus, and the driver pulled away from the curb. The bus was crowded, so Sammy and his father had to stand in the aisle. The rain continued to fall, and the wind whipped through the bus, making it even colder.

Sammy starts to feel panicky. He's also worried about his father, and he doesn't know what to expect. He looks over at his father, who is standing with his arms folded and leaning onto the pole, staring out the window. Sammy can tell that his father is also worried, but he's trying to hide it.

The bus ride felt like it took forever. Sammy was so cold and wet that he could barely think straight. He just wanted to get off the bus and find a warm place to dry off.

Finally, the bus pulls into the Adhiyam University campus. Sammy and his father get off the bus, and Sammy takes a deep breath of the fresh air. He's so relieved to be off the bus and even more relieved to be at Adhiyam University. He knows that this is going to be a great place to study. They walk across the campus, and Sammy can't help but be impressed. The campus is beautiful, with lush green lawns and towering trees.

They reach the student housing, and Sammy is assigned a room. He's so tired and hungry that he can barely keep his eyes open. He changes into dry clothes, has dinner, and collapses on the bed. Feeling a sense of safety and warmth, he knows that he's going to be okay.

Sammy had never been a morning person, and he had never envisioned himself waking up before sunrise while the city was still stirring awake.

"It's 5:00 a.m., everyone. Rise and shine for your morning workout and yoga. You've got 30 minutes to freshen up and gather on the grounds. There will be severe consequences for anyone absent," came the resounding wake-up call, as though someone was approaching and shouting at the top of their lungs.

"Get up! You're still in bed. Time to rise and shine," the hostel warden yelled.

The voice began low and gradually escalated as the warden drew nearer. "Get up, young man, or you'll face consequences!" The words were practically shouted.

Heavy eyelids, legs that felt immovable, and uncooperative hands - Sammy's body resisted all attempts to rise. The warden's voice intensified, drawing nearer. Yet, despite all efforts, Sammy's body remained inert and unresponsive. As the warden approached, a forceful push sent Sammy tumbling off the bed. Crashing to the floor, the sight that met him was his arm coated in blood.

An instant of darkness and silence seemed to envelop the surroundings. Everywhere, a profound stillness, an impenetrable darkness, and an elusive essence that defied expression be it through emotions or sensations.

"Wake up, it's already 07:00 a.m," Sammy opened his eyes, feeling bewildered and disoriented as he looked at his father.

"Are you alright, son?" Father inquired, embracing Sammy with a soft and gentle voice.

Upon seeing his father, Sammy took a deep breath and embraced him back. He realized that it had all been a dream and felt relieved that it wasn't real.

"I've never been a fan of army schools or military schools. I'm not a morning person. I want to wake up at 07:00 a.m. every day, at my own pace," Sammy pondered to himself.

"It's time, son. Go freshen up and get ready. We have to complete the formalities at the school's office and prepare yourself for the first day," said Father.

"Sure, I will get ready," said Sammy with a cheerful tone, rushing into the bathroom.

The library is vast, and Sammy thought to himself, "I'm glad I have to stay in the dorms this year. I'll have a great time in this place." He adores reading and writing so much that on several occasions, he even forgot to eat and drink water. Whenever he's faced with a book and a pen, he becomes completely engrossed.

He has written stories and sent them to publishers; out of those, one publisher appreciated Sammy's work and published his stories, earning him numerous praises and awards.

** "I love that boy's zeal and passion for writing," said Father, leaning over the table and reaching for his coffee cup.

Mother replied, "I can tell."

"Do you have to let him live in the City? Don't we have such good universities nearby?" Mother said in a soft tone, conveying a sense of missing her son.

"It's his choice. How many times should I try to convince him? He loves writing, and the City hosts one of the best universities in the entire country, renowned for its writing programs," explained Father. ** "Are you okay?" came a voice from behind, and the father looked over his shoulder, realizing that he had been lost in a dream of the past.

"It seems like you're concerned about leaving your son here. Don't worry, we will take good care of him," said the principal.

"I'm not worried for myself, but Sammy's mother has never left him for a day," said the father.

Adding to that, "He has also never lived by himself. This will be his first time staying separately from us."

"I would advise you to stop fretting over your son and allow him the space to flourish. He's perfectly capable of handling things on his own. If you and your wife continue to be overly concerned, it might play tricks on his mind as well. He could end up feeling homesick and even slide into a state of depression," advised the Principal.

"I have to head back to my hometown; it seems like there won't be any rain today," Father informed the principal.

"Well then, I wish you a wonderful day and a safe journey," responded the principal.

Feeling a sense of relief, Father approached Sammy, contemplating how his young son would react to his departure. He enveloped Sammy in an embrace, speaking softly and gently,

"Sammy, it's time for me to return home, and you know that your mother is alone waiting for me there," Father said.

Tears welled up in Sammy's eyes, and he clung to his father, overcome with emotion.

Sammy seated on a low chair, Father knelt, his right hand resting on Sammy's hair and the other encircling him. He spoke tenderly, "Kiddo, our home isn't far from here, you know that. It's only one year you have to spend in the dorms. Starting from the second year, you'll be able to commute from home every day. You're a strong kid, and you know how to take care of yourself.

"Yes, Papa, I will," Sammy replied, tears glistening in his eyes.

"And you remember how to find your way back to the dorms, right? If not, you should ask for help," Father added.

Sammy nodded, indicating his familiarity with the route to the dorms.

Sammy accompanied his father to the bus stop, and just before departing, his Father advised Sammy to take care of his health, eat on time, stay hydrated, and, most importantly, not worry about his mother and father. He assured Sammy that they would be there for him whenever he needed them.

A hand suddenly appeared in front of Sammy as he was having dinner in the school cafeteria. "Hi, I'm Sara," she said. "Is this your first time here? You look like you're lost in thought. Mind if I join you?"


"Yes, it's actually my first time here, and it's also my first experience of being away from my parents," Sammy replied with a smile, subtly masking his emotions about being apart from his parents.

Sara settled herself into the chair across from Sammy, finding a comfortable position.

"Where are you from?" She inquired, taking a sip of her soup.

"I'm from Rockwall, a small town about an hour away from here. How about you?" Sammy responded, simultaneously sipping his soup and playfully slurping the noodles.

"How big is the wall?" Sara asked with a mischievous glint, injecting a touch of light humor into the conversation.

"What?" Sammy responded, momentarily puzzled. Then, realizing her jest, he laughed.

"The food here is surprisingly good, isn't it? I can't figure out how they manage to serve such delicious dishes at such a reasonable price. By the way, I hail from Jokestown. Here's a little secret – in my town, we communicate entirely in-jokes," Sara said with a wink, extending the conversation with an innocent chuckle gracing her face.

Sammy relished Sara's company and swiftly became the best of friends, discovering a shared passion for writing and devouring books. Their camaraderie felt as if the universe had orchestrated it.

Whenever a wave of nostalgia about his parents washed over Sammy, Sara was right there, bridging the gap with her cheerful presence and instantly uplifting his spirits.

Sammy found himself genuinely enjoying Sara's companionship. He hadn't anticipated forging such a close bond with anyone else.

In the blink of an eye, six months had whizzed by.

As the first semester's exams loomed, the time had come to put their skills to the test. Sammy had been diligent from day one, attending every class without fail and consistently submitting assignments on time.

Sara, on the other hand, had a slightly different approach. She was undoubtedly sharp, but she often handed in her assignments either on the due date or merely a day before, leaving Sammy amazed at her ability to consistently deliver without fail.

Sammy often found himself wondering how Sara expertly managed her schedule, seemingly at the last possible moment. It was a marvel to him, given that they spent nearly every day together, sharing the majority of their time.

In the glow of the full moon, the vast expanse of the plain landscape lies visible before them from the crest of the rolling hill.

The watch says it is late, and the mind urges him to head home, yet the heart insists on staying by her side.

Gazing at the moon, She began, "Just one more week, and we'll be waving goodbye to this inaugural year, and…" She paused, adjusting her position and inching closer to Sammy.

Sammy let out a sigh and responded, "Time sure does fly when you're having fun!"

Noticing Sammy's slightly subdued mood, Sara interjected, "Oh, those wings? Yep, got 'em right in my sights!" leaning back she said this to lift Sammy's spirits.

Chuckling softly, careful not to disturb the night's peace, Sammy added, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Their laughter danced in the moonlit night, a testament to the bond they shared.

"Mind if I ask you something?" inquired Sara.

"Of course," replied Sammy.

"You strike me as a mature young man who can handle himself well. However, something has always puzzled me. When your father left, you had tears in your eyes. Care to share why?" Sara pondered with genuine interest.

As he listened, his mind started to wander as he looked for the right words to express his feelings to her. Memories of the past flooded in, making it difficult to articulate everything he wanted to convey. Yet, he persevered, determined to find a way to make her understand the depth of his emotions.

As her hands wrapped around his neck from behind, Sammy's breath grew heavier and his heart raced with the suddenness of the moment. He was taken aback by Sara's comforting gesture, but he couldn't deny the warmth and safety he felt in her embrace. It was a new experience for him, but one he hoped would continue for a long time to come.

Holding her hands gently, Sammy spoke, "You must promise not to laugh, leave me, or share this with anyone when you hear what I'm about to tell you."

Sara gently nodded and gave her word.

"I have this story my parents told me about when I was born," Sammy began. "I looked a lot like both of my grandfathers when I arrived in this world. Strangely, when I emerged from my mother's womb, I didn't cry, which made everyone in the delivery room quite anxious. My father was beside my mother, and he saw me all covered in amniotic fluid and a little blood. After they cleaned me up and swathed me in a cozy towel, they handed me to my father."

As he recounted the tale, his gaze fixed on Sara, his voice taking on a distinct and subdued tone.

"As my father cradled me, he confessed that he'd never felt such a rush of emotions until that very moment he became a father. He admitted he had no idea what to expect from me, so he just stared at me."

"After a while, he broke into a smile while looking at me and gently placed a kiss on my forehead. He made a vow at that moment, pledging to hold onto me regardless of the circumstances. He assured me that he would shield me from all forms of negativity and any adversities that may come our way", said Sammy.

Half a year went by, and Sammy's parents began to wonder when he would start crawling. They heard stories from neighbors, relatives, and even their parents about kids who were lagging in their developmental milestones, causing concerns that important moments might be missed. There was an underlying fear that something might not be right with Sammy. Both his father and mother became increasingly anxious about the potential implications if Sammy didn't begin to crawl.

Another six months passed, and finally, Sammy began to crawl. However, the subsequent six months went by without any sign that he was attempting to stand on his own or produce a single sound, no matter what his parents tried. Worried and uncertain about what to do, Sammy's parents took him to several pediatricians and specialists to ensure his well-being. Fortunately, after comprehensive examinations, the doctors confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Sammy's health.

The doctors advised spending quality time with Sammy every day. Father works as a teacher, and he must be at school daily to earn a livelihood. However, beyond that, he also finds joy in teaching, writing, and reading books. His literary works have received awards, and a few have even been recommended as excellent reads within the school district.

Then one day, the Father made a conscious decision to take positive action for the betterment of his child's life. Feeling weary of the frequent trips to the doctor's office, both Father and Mother resolved to invest their time in training Sammy and ensuring he caught up. Father decided to take an extended vacation and commence his training regimen.

A structured training schedule has been established, with divisions based on each day. This schedule is strategically crafted to keep the child engaged for the most part, except during designated nap times. These carefully scheduled naps provide ample rest, rejuvenating the child.

Since birth, Sammy has exhibited selective eating habits, prompting his parents to take on the task of reshaping his dietary preferences. Their approach included incorporating fiber-rich foods, vegetables, greens, fruits, nuts, and dried fruits. They also introduced vegetables and green juices into his diet.

Initially, Sammy resisted the dietary changes and disliked the new foods, but over time, his taste gradually adapted to these healthful organic options. As the training advanced, so did Sammy's growth and learning. It took a year to achieve these milestones, during which the parent's savings were depleted. Recognizing the need for income, Father took on the responsibility of teaching. However, this time around, he was armed with experience and knowledge.

After each school day, Father took charge of Sammy's care.

"He turns 4 tomorrow, and he hasn't spoken a word yet," Father shared a hint of heaviness in his voice.

"Don't worry, our efforts won't be in vain. Never underestimate the power of prayer. He's listening to us," reassured Sammy's mother.

This sparked an idea, prompting Father to diverge from the routine the next morning. He guided Sammy to begin the day with prayer, trust in God, and pray first thing in the morning and before meals.

As the saying goes, "Good things happen to those who wait patiently." And so, one fine morning, Sammy began pronouncing words and expressing his feelings to his parents.

Barely able to believe their eyes, they stood in awe while watching Sammy. After a while, Mother rushed to him, enveloping Sammy in a warm embrace, and showering him with kisses. As her affection poured forth, Sammy's endearing words flowed freely, akin to a river. Gradually, Father also joined the scene, embracing Sammy and showing his affection. With gratitude and joy, they prayed and thanked God for His grace.

Time has marched on, and Sammy's demeanor has taken a turn. He's begun showing a keen interest in conversations, delving into books, and jotting down his thoughts as they flow. Writing has become a forte, and he's embraced the role of an avid reader.

"Five years have flown by, and now it's time for him to step into Kindergarten," Father noted.

Mother's reply was contemplative, "Could we consider homeschooling?"

Father gently explained, "While homeschooling is an option, it might hinder his ability to interact with peers. School is where he'll learn the art of socializing with other children and people."

Understanding the rationale, Mother released a deep breath. The thought of Sammy heading off to school tugged at her heart, even before the school days officially commenced.

"Listen, Sammy is just headed to school; he's not leaving us. And guess what? The school is right next to our house, practically a stone's throw away in the same community. So, why let the worry creep in?" Father reassured.

He added with a heartfelt sentiment, "You've been my pillar of strength when my spirits were low, encouraging me to stand strong. I can't see you faltering now."

Mother let out a sigh, conveying her feelings, "Since you resumed working, my full-time role has been caring for him. Perhaps that's why I've grown so attached to our little one."

Hearing that, Father smiled and accompanied Sammy for a stroll to his potential school.

Given the school's proximity, Sammy's parents opted not to take the bus. A short dash was all it took for him to reach the school campus in just a few minutes. The clock struck 8:30 a.m., and the parents of kindergartners were assembling—a mix of those dropping off by car, bus, or on foot.

Sammy, all decked out and adorable, stood ready for his debut at elementary school. Clasping his mother's hand, he embarked on his journey with endearing innocence.

The campus buzzed with activity as little ones fluttered about. Some beseeched their parents for a lift, while others chimed, "Mommy, Mommy, carry me!" in the most charming manner.

Then came the chorus of "Up, Up… Mommy, Up," as a few cheeky toddlers demanded to be scooped up. The scene resembled a captivating wonderland, teeming with the charm of these precious young ones.

Sammy, with his hands in his pockets and a backpack slung over his shoulders, bounces slightly with each step and walks briskly down the street. He's wearing a new pair of jeans and a button-down shirt, and his hair is neatly combed. He looks a little nervous, but also excited for his first day of elementary school. His eyes are shining with anticipation and He's ready for whatever the day brings.

As Sammy marches ahead, his mother stands, her gaze locked on her little one until he rounds the corner and disappears. Yet, the image of him, hands nestled in his pockets, backpack gracefully slung over his shoulders, remains etched in her memory long after he's ventured away.

The initial day in the classroom carried a different atmosphere for Sammy compared to the other children. Attempting to communicate, he encountered a challenge; poor Sammy was grappling with the unfamiliarity of expressing his emotions to his peers. He remained composed, observing other kids who exuded confidence and made valiant efforts to make an impression. Sinking into a feeling of despondency, he returned home that day.

It was on that very day that Sammy's parents began to realize that their little one faced difficulty in articulating his emotions to his classmates. Forming connections or engaging socially seemed elusive for him. It was almost as if he was engaged in a constant struggle, perhaps with himself. Recognizing this, Father embarked on encouraging Sammy by recounting tales of heroes who confronted their challenges and ultimately achieved happiness. Each day posed a test for Sammy, and as the first year concluded, the parents received a notification from the school district, summoning them to an important meeting regarding Sammy's situation.

Baffled and unsure of what lay ahead, both parents stepped into the conference room, only to be greeted by the Principal, School Nurse, PT Teacher, English Teacher, Mathematics Teacher, Science Teacher, and Spanish Teacher, all gathered around the table. Sammy's parents were ushered to seats closer to the Principal, creating a sense of formality.

"Good day, I'm Mrs. Elizabeth, the Principal," she introduced herself. Each teacher and the school nurse followed suit, introducing themselves to the assembled parents.

With a mixture of trepidation and curiosity about the potential complaints they might hear from the educators, Sammy's parents settled into the chairs designated for them.

The Principal initiated the discussion, stating, "I can sense an air of apprehension from both of you, and I apologize for the short notice. The purpose of this meeting is to share some positive news as well as some aspects that require a bit more attention."

In addition, the Principal continued, "Sammy is an extraordinary kid. He possesses an intriguing and engaging personality, making him enjoyable to work with. He demonstrates proficiency in reading and writing."

Both parents let out a sigh, saying, "Thank you, our thoughts were leaning the other way."

Continuing, the principal addressed, "While he possesses many talents, our first encounter with him revealed that Sammy struggled to engage with others as his peers did. He chose a seat in the corner, distancing himself from both teachers and classmates. He ate his lunch alone."

Upon hearing this, Mother crossed her arms, adjusted herself in her chair, and leaned forward. Gently holding her hands, Father's voice carried a mixture of gentleness and authority as he asked, "Should we be concerned about this?"

The principal reassured Father that there were no immediate concerns, but she did mention an incident from the past. The school nurse and PT teacher then conveyed, "Upon observing your son, it became clear he required assistance. Thus, we devised a program tailored to his needs and those of similar children."

"We encouraged Sammy to relocate to either the middle or front chairs, closer to the teacher and classmates. Initially hesitant, he gradually acclimated. We made a concerted effort to involve him in conversations whenever possible, considering the situation and timing. This gradual approach yielded improvements. We also noticed his tendency to tire quickly, prompting us to introduce nap times for him and his peers facing similar challenges. Following these naps, his energy levels exhibited positive progress. Our cafeteria staff also monitored his eating habits, suggesting he was selective. This led us to request varied foods in his lunchbox daily, encouraging him to sample different items when hungry.

Additionally, his walking style puzzled us. Our step count indicated his right foot angled slightly to the right. For this reason, we recommend consulting his pediatrician and presenting this report. He might benefit from a foot brace inserted into his shoe to correct his foot posture.

Enclosed is the report we've prepared on his observations over the past eight months. We want to share our insights with you. This knowledge could positively shape your child's early years and bolster his mental and physical well-being."

Upon absorbing the comprehensive explanation and witnessing the dedication of the teacher, nurse, and principal, Sammy's parents felt overwhelmed with gratitude, thankfulness, and happiness. Internally, they expressed their gratitude through prayers.

They felt immensely fortunate that Sammy attended a school where teachers genuinely cared. With newfound understanding, they collaboratively devised a remarkable strategy to boost Sammy's confidence, social interactions, and overall development, ensuring he's well-prepared for his future.

That was yet another turning point in Sammy's life. He excelled in school, learned to socialize, and forged valuable friendships. Throughout this journey, he encountered a myriad of life experiences. Before graduating from high school, Sammy immersed himself in various writing projects. Writing became his fervent passion and consumed his every thought. One day, he decided to create his own story and extend a helping hand to children in need of care and support.

There was a brief moment of silence. A gentle breeze with a touch of mist greeted their skin. Felt like the silence was all-encompassing.

Uncertain of how to respond, Sara inhaled deeply, deeply moved by the story. Her eyes welled up with emotional tears as she gazed at Sammy, expressing her affection and care through a gentle smile.

"I'm truly touched by your past," Sara conveyed, highlighting her connection to Sammy's life journey.

With a smile, Sammy glanced at his watch. "Oh, it's 2:30 a.m., we should head back to our dorms."

The next three years flew by, and both Sammy and Sara completed their graduation with grades exceeding their expectations. The city that once felt horrible has now transformed into a paradise. Throughout their time in college, Sammy authored numerous articles, assisted various authors, proofread their works, and dedicated countless hours to learning the art of literature and writing from his professors. In the process, he identified his writing strengths and weaknesses, honing his skills to develop a unique writing style that left a lasting impression on his peers.

He completed two master's degrees, but he didn't halt his educational journey there. Meanwhile, Sara achieved her objective of obtaining a master's degree in Arts & Literature. Throughout all these years, Sara stood by Sammy through success and failure, ups and downs, summer and winter. Besides his parents, Sammy developed a strong attachment to Sara, and the feeling was mutual.

Sara was a woman of strong character, just like Sammy. She stood by him from the moment they became friends. Their bond grew even stronger, leading them to take the next step and transition from best friends to life partners. Eventually, they decided to get married and approached their parents for their blessings.

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