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Writer's pictureShashi Kallae

Wanderlust to Tokyo: Ajay's Unforgettable Japanese Escapade

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

As the year approached its end, the passage of time seemed to have compressed the experience of ninth grade into just a few fleeting days rather than a full calendar year. The realization that he had now become a sophomore elicited a surge of excitement within him.

When he saw his freshman year grades, his heart raced like a racehorse on an adrenaline rush. He had expected to ace all of his tests, but instead he had gotten mostly A- and B+.

Feeling a sense of urgency, he immediately reached out to his friends, only to discover that some of them had achieved straight A+ scores. Ajay and the rest of his friends felt like they had been running a race, but they had just missed the finish line.

Ajay has always been glued to his iPhone, spending endless hours each day catching up on videos. Sometimes he gets so lost in his screen that he either forgets to finish his assignments or only manages to do them halfway before handing them in. With this kind of attitude, his grades started plummeting.

When it comes to binge-watching, he rarely listens to his body's needs. Sometimes his body tries to send a message, urging him to visit the restroom and unload his cargo, but he just can't take the hint. He would often ignore the urge to use the restroom, even when his body was crying out for relief.

Ajay's parents have had to intervene multiple times, reminding him to answer nature's call. His farts might sing the stinkiest symphony, but he couldn't sense the need to go. He's been living in a bubble, thinking he's acing his tests, but reality has slapped him in the face like a wet fish, as his perception was far from reality.

No matter how many times did his parents harp on him to brush his teeth properly and scrape his tongue in the mornings, he wouldn't listen, his breath could knock out a buffalo. His parents often ponder how his friends survive his company without running away in terror. They worry that Ajay might become the punching bag of jokes or suffer mistreatment due to his lackadaisical approach to hygiene.

Ajay's parents were starting to get worried about his behavior. They had agreed to take him on a trip to Japan, but they were having second thoughts. They realized that nothing was more important to them than Ajay's future. They talked it over and understood that if they gave him everything he wanted, he would never learn to be responsible.

Instead, they decided to talk to Ajay and convince him that nothing in life is free. They stressed the need for him to earn his desires and learn the art of obtaining things in a smart and lawful manner, without causing harm to others or himself.

They told him that they loved him, but they were concerned about his future. They explained that they would support him, but he would have to step up and take responsibility for his own life. Ajay was surprised by their stern talk, but he understood where they were coming from. He agreed to work hard and earn his trip to Japan.

He knew that his parents were only looking out for him, and appreciated their tough love.

From that moment onward, Ajay agreed that, he would make it his mission to maintain good hygiene. He would meticulously brush his teeth, floss diligently, and cleanse his tongue every morning and after every meal. In fact, he made a solemn oath to brush his teeth or floss whenever the need arose.

Furthermore, he pledged to indulge in a refreshing and thorough bath each day. In addition to this, He promised to listen to his body and go to the bathroom whenever he needed to, no matter what.

Upon his parents' request, Ajay was tasked with creating a daily plan to be discussed with them, allowing him to address any challenges or issues arising in his daily routine. Ajay grasped the gravity of his parent's words and their genuine concern for his well-being. Determined to take responsibility for his actions, he vowed to learn and implement discipline and attentiveness in his life.

Ajay took the initiative to develop a plan. He created a comprehensive set of tasks for each day, starting from waking up early in the morning and ending with an early bedtime.

His plan included:

  1. Waking up early in the morning and drinking a cup of warm water with lemon and honey.

  2. 15 Mins later, Mix organic wheatgrass powder with a water-soluble vitamin B12 tablet.

  3. Working out for at least 45 minutes using Beachbody's P90 program. (Ajay's father had been a fan of this program for years and had seen great results. He had even started Ajay on the program when he was just two years old.)

  4. Making a healthy breakfast consisting of soaked nuts, fruits, vegetables, and greens.

  5. Packing a healthy lunch to take to school.

  6. Enrolling in various extracurricular activities, including orchestra, gym class, basketball, Swimming and walking marathons.

  7. Ajay was excited to put his plan into action and see how it would change his life. He knew that it would take hard work, discipline, dedication and commitment, but he was determined to succeed.

The next day, Ajay approached his parents and asked them how he could make his dream of visiting Japan a reality. His parents had a heart-to-heart conversation with him and explained that for every book he read, they would fund him $75 and on top of it he has to spend 30 mins everyday on writing anything that interests him. They asked him to break down the expenses of the trip and let them know by the end of the day so they could figure out how many books he would need to read to earn enough money.

Ajay was excited about the challenge and accepted it immediately. He knew that it would take a lot of hard work, but he was determined to make his dream come true. Ajay devised a brilliant plan by meticulously itemizing all the expenses associated with the Japan trip for three people:

  1. Airfare: $2,000 (round trip)

  2. Hotel accommodation: $2,000 for 10 nights

  3. Food: $1,200 for 12 days

  4. Taxi/Cab: $200 (home to airport, airport to home)

  5. Transport in Japan: $1,000

  6. Theme park tickets and Others: $1,000

  7. Miscellaneous merchandise: $500

  8. Total: $7900.00 for 3 people (Ajay, His Father & His Mother)

  9. So, this makes $2634.00 approximately for Ajay (Including Airfare + Hotel + Food + Taxi + Transport in Japan + Tickets + Misc).

Ajay's parents were impressed by his thoroughness and were happy to see that he was taking the trip seriously. They agreed to match his efforts, so Ajay knew that he would need to read approximately 35 books ($2634.00/$75.00) and spend at least 30 mins everyday on writing to earn enough money for the trip over a period of one year.

Ajay was excited to get started on his reading & writing challenge. He knew that it would be a lot of work, but he was determined to make his dream come true. Having everything sorted out, Ajay now has approximately 12 months to prepare for his Japan trip.

He outlined a set of tasks that he needs to accomplish before embarking on the journey:

  1. Getting up early in the morning: Ajay knew that he would need to be well-rested in order to be productive throughout the day. He also wanted to make sure that he had enough time to ensure personal hygiene by brushing, bathing, and attending to bodily needs as discussed with his parents.

  2. Drinking healthy juices: Ajay wanted to make sure that he was eating healthy in order to stay energized throughout the day. He also wanted to boost his immune system in preparation for the trip.

  3. Working out (P90 or any other program) at least 5 days a week: Ajay knew that exercise was important for his physical and mental health. He also wanted to look his best for the trip.

  4. Playing cello and violin every day: Ajay loved playing the cello and violin, and he knew that these activities would help him relax and de-stress. He also wanted to improve his skills.

  5. Completing all of his assignments on a daily basis: Ajay knew that he needed to stay on top of his schoolwork in order to be accepted into a good college. He also wanted to make sure that he had enough time to study for the trip.

  6. Reading the number of books needed for the travel: Ajay had a long list of books that he wanted to read before the trip. He knew that reading would help him learn about Japanese culture and history.

  7. Reading books on investments, learn how to achieve financial freedom: Ajay was interested in learning about investing, and he knew that this knowledge would be valuable in the future. He also wanted to be financially secure so that he could travel the world.

  8. Spending at least half an hour every day writing on something that interests him: Ajay enjoyed writing, and he knew that this activity would help him express himself creatively. He also wanted to document his journey to Japan.

  9. Being good at math: Ajay knew that math was an important subject, and he wanted to make sure that he was proficient in it. He also knew that math would be helpful in his future career.

  10. Investing every day: Ajay knew that investing was a long-term process, and he wanted to start early. He also wanted to achieve financial freedom so that he could travel around the world.

  11. Being consistent in all of the above: Ajay knew that it was important to be consistent in his efforts if he wanted to achieve his goals. He was determined to work hard and stay focused on his journey to Japan.

Ajay was confident that he could accomplish all of these tasks, and he was excited to start working towards his dream. He understood that the most crucial aspect is to actively implement or put into practice what he has learned, because Action speaks louder than words.

He started reading, but the amount of reading and writing overwhelmed him at first. He felt like he would never be able to finish all the books on his list.

However, he kept going, and after a few days of consistency, he started to see progress. He realized that he was able to read and write for longer periods of time, and he was starting to absorb the information better.

After several days of being persistent, Ajay had a breakthrough. He realized that if he practiced anything consistently, he could achieve anything. This realization gave him the motivation to keep going, and he soon finished all the books on his list.

Ajay's story is a reminder that anything is possible if you set your mind to it and are willing to put in the hard work. If you're feeling overwhelmed by a task, just remember to start small and be consistent. With time and effort, you'll be surprised at what you can achieve.

It's fine to take a few days or even weeks to go through all of the material. What matters most is that you absorb the information at your own pace and then take action [Sean Ogle (Location Rebel)].

Here are some tips for reading and absorbing information at your own pace:

  1. Set aside some time each day to read. Even if it's just for 30 minutes, make sure you have some time to focus on the material.

  2. Find a quiet place where you won't be interrupted. This will help you stay focused and avoid distractions.

  3. Take breaks as needed. If you start to feel overwhelmed, take a short break to stretch, walk around, or get a snack.

  4. Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you don't understand something, reach out to the author or a friend for clarification.

  5. Take action. The most important thing is to apply what you're learning. Once you've absorbed the information, take some steps to put it into practice.

Remember, there's no need to rush. Take your time, absorb the information at your own pace, and then take action. Be sure to write down what you've read and learned, either briefly or in detail.

-- Sean Ogle (Location Rebel)

Atlast, Ajay's dream of flying to Japan became a reality.


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“With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.”


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